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Old 2021-09-08, 16:39   Link #34618
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Void View Post
This was my lineup against Izo.

Frontline: Sheba (Event DMG CE), Mozart (Volume Hydrargyrum), Waver (Assist, ticket CE)

Backline: Paracelsus (Kintoki CE), Andersen (Devilish Bodhisattva), Asclepius (Imaginary Element)

Mystic Code: Chaldea

Only took me 2 tries.

Izo constantly buffs his damage plus against humanoids every turn, so unless you down his crit rate he will eventually one-shot anyone even with defense buffs or damage cut up, as few are the servants that are not humanoid in nature. After you break his first health bar, if Izo kills someone it'll remove all of the damage plus buffs.

Also, he's greatly resistant to NP damage, so you're better off comboing him, though Sheba's NP is still useful because it downs both his attk. and def.
I finally managed to beat him two days ago when I borrowed Kingprotea for the lolz. unfortunately, I accidentally took one who wasn't on my friend list, otherwise it would have been WAY easier.
Dunny Protea actually brought the damage needed on the table and made the entire battle much less chance based.
In the end I had to savescum a lot towards the end, as I couldn't NP with her, and Izo kept attacking her with his NP in return. (That even oneshot Protea... )
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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