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Old 2021-07-27, 09:57   Link #1
Join Date: Feb 2011
What other forums do you visit?

In this internet world moving more and more toward chats, and other fast communication spaces, where tons of people cram together, where any information and discussion is born and dies worse than milk, and where the feel of being observed, censured and spoon-fed by the big platforms keeps growing, it may come a time when more slow forms of communication, and smaller communities, like forums, may be appreciated once again.

So in an attempt to get a wider view of the still surviving forums, in this current age of quickly posted and quickly forgotten communication.
What other forums do you still visit or know about?

If you could also specify the general area of focus, it could be useful, like:
[News&Politics] [Sports] [Entertainment&Series&Shows] [Science&Technology] [Videogames] [Anime&Mangas]

Animesuki is for me about the last forum I still visit sometimes, all the others have either died, broken and vanished, or become too toxic to bother.
Of the old forums I used to visit there are:
onemangaforums - [Mangas, mainly the big popular series] it went through a lot of events and rebirths, but it looks definitely dead now (once the admins give up on their own forum all hope is lost)
myanimelist - [Anime&Manga] it was never a good space, far more spam and low quality posts than activity on series (the forums about manga series never really picked up)
orojackson - [Anime&Manga: one piece] it grew quickly, it was very active and bustling, but it died as fast
It's been ages since I've been on a videogame forum, really miss those. (the forums of gamefaq have always been a joke, they are more of a Q&A desk service, than a forum of fans)

About forum rules:
As to avoid falling into 1.5 Do not solicit our members, posting the name of the forum, without a link to it, may be enough, for anyone interested to go look it up themselves.
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