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Old 2021-07-08, 17:40   Link #24
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
And I'm afraid the rest will be the same. Wataakashi will most likely do some exposure regarding Shion's life at St Lucia, the Oni tatoo and the Sonozaki. But the audience knows already the Sonozaki aren't bunch of ruthless Yakuza, so this one will fall flat as well.
I disagree as there are much more unknown variables in Watadamashi than in Omidamashi. There's finding out when Mion was Mion and when she was Shion, there's what happened with the Looper Killing Sword, there's why Rika was killed when she was, why Satoko tried to accuse Keiichi of killing her, why Mion killed Shion in the end and why Satoko went to Mion to be killed, rather then just commit suicide herself. And there's also the fact that unlike Rena, Mion has never had an arc that was from her perspective, so there's potential for something more interesting there as well.
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