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Old 2021-07-07, 09:18   Link #64
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Originally Posted by Dragonria View Post
new trailer:


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This judgment I'm about to give is subject to change upon the official release so take all of this with a grain of salt:

My initial reaction for the trailer was "what the hell is the music? It's god awful." Then I read comments for the trailer on YouTube and slowly realization crept in. Kawamori has always liked to parody older Macross' in his newer series if only for laughs or satire; however, this time it feels like he's crying for help.

The consensus on YouTube appears to be the person singing in the trailer is an artificial idol and the goal of the movie (in their eyes) is likely to destroy this "fake" idol. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Did anyone ask for a modern version of Plus? I know I didn't. If I had wanted to watch Plus again, I would simply watch Plus. This goes beyond how Frontier parodied Zero for an episode while in the movie it got a passing mention.

Considering it's been announced since 2018 I believe (initial announcement), and even now it's only dropping what amounts to teaser trailers tells me this production is not the greatest. And on top of that, Frontier is reviving in a short film. At this point, why bother chasing Delta if all he wants to do is revive Frontier? Because it's not like the recap movie fixed issues people had with the TV series version. And it's been over 5 years since the TV series ended and 3 since the last movie; people don't really care anymore. It's really kind of sad.

The odds are though: I'll likely still watch it. Because at this point it's like going through the final episodes of Guilty Crown and seeing how the train is gonna crash. My expectations are really low now. The only thing I can hope is that it has good animation. Given how little all the teasers have shown so far (and how poorly composited it is), I don't have my hopes high for that either. Then again, Frontier's final trailer before its second movie had bad animation and limited detailed backgrounds which were finalized for the official release so maybe that's something that'll be fixed and shouldn't be judged too harshly but it's worth being mentioned regardless considering how long the project's been "in production" overall.

As I said, take all of this with a grain of salt; it's subject to change as new info comes out but as it is now, those are my impressions of the movie.
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