Thread: Genshin Impact
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Old 2021-06-14, 23:49   Link #345
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
We think the *5 rate is so low that it's almost impossible to get before the soft pity, but on the other hand, we are also afraid that we might accidentally get unwanted *5 for 10-20 pulls into pity.

No matter how unlikely, it can definitely happen. In what was probably the luckiest moment of my life (so far?), I actually got a 5-star pickup character in this game on the first roll of a banner after the previous roll (weeks earlier) was the 5-star pity of that previous banner. Technically I guess the odds were 0.6% (probably?) but yeah... did not expect that. The risk is real!

Aside this, I spent most of the day yesterday exploring the event area and quite liked it. Obviously still need to do the remaining parts that unlocked today and the rest of this week. That said... it's a bit tonally interesting for a summer-themed event. On the one hand the story/cutscenes are full of fun and adventure (good choices for the cast), but the exploration and underlying lore is almost a reprise of Dragonspine. The world still feels "cold" -- instead of being frozen in time, it was submerged. The music also (skillfully as always) reflects this mix. Not by any means saying it's bad, just not quite what I expected for a summer-themed event.

(Also, the ship in Wind Waker was a lot easier to control than this boat! )
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