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Old 2021-06-11, 19:17   Link #52
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Originally Posted by OH&S View Post
Y-you're right... Well shit, how did I miss that!? For 4.5 years, I thought that Kamachi left its fate vague along with Yuiitsu. Maybe I disengaged with the part with Kamisato's harem...?


Regarding Anna, I'm in general agreement. The problem with her at the moment is that right now she is affecting the entire immediate plot without any of her true tangible goals being known. I 'understand' her, but that doesn't tell me what the true goal of her actions is.

With R&C Occultics gone, there is currently no grand plot aside from Anna existing and being on all the MC's shit list. Even if Anna's true tangible end goal is slowly revealed, there needs to be a grand plot that facilitates the revelation and fuels the next minor conflicts.

Well... she currently is. But if you're asking if we thought that she would remain the main antagonist for the entirety of the series then no. I always thought it would be highly dependent on what Anna's true goal actually is.

If Anna is looking for someone to devote herself to, and that person doesn't currently exist, then I believe that Anna is trying to create the conditions for someone like that to be "born" in the Index world. Whether that be transforming an already existing character into that or creating a mythical figure in the past like Christian Rosenkreuz or some new category of existence like the Secret Chiefs. I believe that this new existence that Anna will become subservient towards is the true main antagonist of GT.
I honestly believe that Anna is most likely only going to be the main antagonist till the halfway point or just before the halfway of GT like Othinus so GT 9, GT 10 or GT 11. So the plot with Anna will most likely start picking up next volume, unless it a two parter then it would be GT 6. So she most likely will truly start putting in effort for a goal beside messing around in the next volume or 2. Thorough if it like the past in this series, we will not truly learn Anna past, why she started on this path or what she truly want till the big climax of the current Story Arc. That will most likely start in GT 8 or GT 9, maybe GT 7 if this is a shorter Story Arc like WR Arc but a little bigger.
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