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Old 2021-05-06, 06:08   Link #102
My Otakuness runs deepest
Join Date: May 2021
Location: Monroe, Louisiana, United States of America
I can't remember when I first decided to check Fairy Tail out, but after talking myself out of it numerous times due to its length, a couple mahou shoujos (spelling probably off) of decent length got me to talk myself into giving Fairy Tail a shot. As I started to watch the show and the first approximately 25 episodes went by, I slowly started to realize something: this series centers itself around EVERYTHING I love most in anime and generic entertainment. It's like it was made just for me. A key concept is the widespread use of magic/special abilities in the world of Fairy Tail, something I've loved my whole life. There are countless beautiful women, and for someone who will be eternally single, this is good. Everyone loves a good laugh, and Fairy Tail has plenty of them. The stories can pull at your heart cuz they get pretty sad too. I've wanted to cry watching this anime (I'm not a big crier). I could go on and on. Fairy Tail is brilliant. So so good.
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