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Old 2021-05-04, 16:52   Link #31
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Lambdalith View Post
That wouldn't have been a problem. A lot of seyuus start with eroge and hentai, just look at Shinichiro Miki cv. From what i read they decided to recast everyone because using Soichiro Hoshi for Takeru would have been too costly. Since the main character has the top billing, they are going for a newcomer to save money for the actual animation (comprehensible considering the scope of the series) and this prompted a total recast.
Not having to pay for Soichiro Hoshi does sound reasonable to me (though still very disappointing). But it doesn't explain why Avex did the same thing to the Nekopara TV anime series. I very much doubt that the original Nekopara game's seiyuus would have been that expensive to hire for the TV anime series, and it's not like they did a bad job in the Nekopara OVA.

Speaking of the MuvLuv series, Schwarzesmarken and Total Eclipse weren't based on eroge titles either, and did not have the original seiyuus recasted. That's why I'm banking on the "Avex didn't want to be associated with the original eroge" hypothesis myself.
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