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Old 2021-03-23, 06:13   Link #64
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by Rasty View Post
As for crossbows, I feel they are overestimated in J fantasy. The advantages are relative ease of use and piercing power, but the cost is immense especially compared to the low cost of people. They also have a much shorter range and rate of fire is pitiful. Also suitable mostly for straight firing and unsuitable for firing from city walls. On the other hand, you don't need such a long training to fire a bow. All you need is being able to fire in the general direction and distance of the enemy and some of the arrows will hit by itself, hundred of people firing and thoasands of enemies in close formation, it might actually be more effective to fire randomly than to fire precisely and waste time and getting massive overkills because of multiple people shooting the same person.
In other words, it's not like crossbows weren't used because of bad technology, it just wasn't worth using them. The only exception would be hunting where they excel.
You clearly don't have a clear idea about the use of the crossbow. Rate of fire isn't that important especially if you sacrifice the ability to do damage. Lower range isn't important because long range shooting is overrated. Typically they start shooting at about 70m but the shots become effective only at less than 30m. Bolts with wood or parchment vanes can be stored for long time. Feathers are very delicate and sensitive to moisture (with the exception of feathers derived from waterfowl). In the defense of castles or fortifications crossbows were preferred....

The Chinese (han dynasty) widely disagree with you:

Heaviest standard 8 stone Han crossbow power = 4902 inch lbs * 60% efficiency = 2941 inch lbs = 332 Joules
Typical 6 stone strength Han crossbow's power = 3676.5 inch pounds * 60% efficiency = 249 Joules
Andreas Bichler's 1200 lb composite crossbow = 4488 inch lbs * 39.04% efficiency = 1752.3 inch lbs = 198 Joules
Heavy Song dynasty bow made to pierce armor = 1840 inch lbs * 75% efficiency = 1380 inch lbs = 156 Joules
Tod Todeschini's 1250 lb steel crossbow = 4062.5 inch lbs * 30.5% efficiency = 1239 inch lbs = 140 Joules]

English warbow pundage in late medeval-early Renaissance is about 120-180lbs. The energy 100-130 j. This heavy warbow require years of practice.....

They inveted linear tactic:

English longbowmans normally use a single row.

Ultimately given that there are many refugees, a city wall to protect and little time available, the crossbow is the right choice especially if it can be built in a short time and at low cost. Rate of fire is useless if you are not able to damage significantly the target. From a tactical point of view muzzle-loading guns are the direct evolution of the crossbows....

Last edited by francescoG1; 2021-03-23 at 07:14.
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