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Old 2021-03-03, 19:20   Link #30
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Join Date: Dec 2005
I think the confusion regarding to the knights' allegiance stems from Ironside's accusation against Balgis (Percy's grandpa) for betraying their "master" in the first chapter. Though personally I already figured that the "master" in question referred to more of a mentor figure among their band of holy knights, not the lord they're sworn to protect. We should get the full story behind Balgis' betrayal in due time, though.

And yeah, definitely a bit surprising that Ironside really meant to kill his kid. Guess he values the "greater good" over family, then. Ironically, Pellegarde (that seems to be the proper romanization of his name, apparently) cares more about Percy than his own dad does, heh. I gotta admit, he's still growing on me despite him sending that wolf monster to attack that village. Maybe rather than converting Percy to his side, he'll eventually join the hero side, instead.

Oh, and with the fox's name being revealed as Sin, it's looking like maybe he's related to Ban, possibly even being Ban himself? He is known as the Fox's Sin of Greed, after all.

Originally Posted by Diluc View Post
16 year is odd number when considering Percival born at year series end and Arthur Knights are not developed yet in that period.
It should be 18 or 20 year imho.
With so much emphasis placed on that prophecy, a timeskip is practically guaranteed at this point regardless, wouldn't you agree? So in that case it doesn't really matter that the main cast are currently being introduced as adolescents, IMO. Not when we've been heavily hinted as to what they will become.....
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