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Old 2021-02-19, 14:39   Link #99
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
A bit late, but I watched the election and I honestly have to say I was still rooting for Eins here. He saw the system was flawed and tried something to fix it rather than leaving it to flounder through a rather peaceful, if politically manipulative move. If it started an open war I would have probably been against him, due to the fact that bloodshed can't be taken back, but I can respect him for how he approached things and humbled himself from beginning to end.

It also reaffirmed that Shiroe is the most terrifying asset Akiba has. He couldn't have known about the situation with the Senate and the prince more than a few days and he still constructed a plan to get them off the board. You do not want this man as an enemy.
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