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Old 2021-01-08, 04:54   Link #10
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Join Date: Jul 2012
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Age: 30
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
Maybe studios are being intimidated by the manga's artstyle. Vagabond is world-famous because of it. You need a studio/team that's either very skilled, resourceful & confident or a studio who just doesn't care (like the team who worked on the upcoming Ex-Arm anime, they really don't give a shit :heh).
Believe it or not, but I think Toei would be a right studio. When they DO give a damn, they pretty much can outdo any other studio out there. Ufotable, of course, could potentially do it, but I always felt their artstyle waas a little bit too... clean. I'm not sure how to describe it, since my English skill suddenly took a nosedive at the time of writing this sentence, sorry

My third choice would be David Production. They wouldn't be able to replicate the artstyle, but they usually get the direction right, which is even more important.

Granted, we are still talking about an unfinished manga, based on the very much finished classic novel (even though manga has a number of huge deviations from the book). And said novel has been adapted a countless number of times as a live action movies/TV dramas. One of the movies, starring Toshiro Mifune, even won an Oscar.

Last edited by AntonKutovoi; 2021-01-08 at 05:36.
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