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Old 2020-12-26, 22:53   Link #95
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
Yet we don't see any of the "wrong" stuff, just kinks and medicinal techniques that end up saving people, either way it doesn't make her reason for being part of the dark side any less dumber.
That's the whole point lol. It is dumb. But people are forced to go to the dark side whether they're evil or misunderstood or whatever. It just happens. No one was spared by their attempt to purge the dark side. The whole point of this volume is that something went wrong and that the result is tragic. You're clearing just ignoring most of the intended themes here, lol. It's similar to Baggage City, but more extreme.

Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
Their circumstances weren't tied to the dark side and it's even questionable if it even happened inside of AC at all, it was just a plain old case of a stalker attacking his victims and dying when they defended themselves. The only tie to the dark side is just because Rafuoka decided to get rid of the body, not because dark side made him or planned it, so there is no reason for them to try and intervene. He was just considered dark side because he did a bad thing that one time.
You clearly didn't read between the lines/read the volume. They killed A KIHARA. They weren't winning any case. They were dead if they so much as revealed that they did it and anyone higher-up cared to figure out who did it. It obviously happened in Academy City because it was a Kihara. That's the whole goddamn point. When they disposed of the body it was in the sewer system in the place he'd been to before. Did you even read the goddamn volume lmao. Don't criticize what you're too lazy to read. And in Japan, there's prejudice against the backlash of any negative public opinion. He didn't want the public to socially ostracize his family so to protect them he secretly disposed of the body for the sake of their life. And even though that was morally wrong, he was obsessed about justice because he felt a deep sense of guilt over everything and blamed all of his problems on external things instead of on himself because he was running away. That was the whole plot point lmao. That's why there was going to be a NEW Kihara killer. Actually read the volume.

Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
No, just like how I didn't miss the part where she still did those things because she wanted to please him, lie or not she still did those horrible things at his beck and call and was shown to even be happy to do so.

I also am not ignoring that her motivation just came out of nowhere when most convenient during the last part of the volume. Maybe if we had know earlier it would be more tolerable but all we saw was her going Terminator on people for the bast majority of the volume.
Oh, even though the entire volume is constructed before it is released and clearly that factor as part of her behavior is therefore planned as retroactively applying in that part of the story, that wasn't her real reason for accompanying the professor. It's not like the plan was to reveal it one step at a time as it came up. Come on, it's pretty obvious that she did it to minimize suffering--she was manipulated into doing it--but she did it with good intentions.

Therefore justifying the need for the dark side to exist, especially by showing us the so called "beneficials" in a good light, your argument only strengthens mine.

You are free to disagree with me, but don't try and make it look like I don't know what I literally just read.
But you didn't just read. You ignored a lot of the most important details in the story. It's pretty obvious from the things you just said and didn't comment on. I don't think we read the same novel. Not to mention, this is supposed to be nuanced and tragic. He wasn't whitewashing the darkness. He was just commenting on human nature and showing how warped everything is. I literally also can't believe that you're faulting him for the coin thing when it's clearly hinted that Antiskill's behavior is caused by whatever Sprengel set up previously. It's like you're choosing to ignore the story worldbuilding and mechanisms because you prefer hating on the writing because it is convenient. Like come on man, your complaints are downright ridiculous at this point.
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