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Old 2020-12-12, 23:18   Link #90
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
Their circumstances weren't tied to the dark side and it's even questionable if it even happened inside of AC at all, it was just a plain old case of a stalker attacking his victims and dying when they defended themselves. The only tie to the dark side is just because Rafuoka decided to get rid of the body, not because dark side made him or planned it, so there is no reason for them to try and intervene. He was just considered dark side because he did a bad thing that one time.
No. he is considered the dark side because he use the dark side's facility to cover up the murder.
In other words, this occurred in AC, not outside.
That's what his inner guilt, in the form of Kaai, is accusing him of all along. Pg.308 for the exact line.
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