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Old 2020-12-12, 22:18   Link #88
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
...You are aware that this wasn't a fanfic, right?
Yeah, and I stand by what I said.

Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
So the fact that a woman ended up chased by cops and killed because...she was researching the "wrong' stuff leaped over your head?
Yet we don't see any of the "wrong" stuff, just kinks and medicinal techniques that end up saving people, either way it doesn't make her reason for being part of the dark side any less dumber.

Also, you do know that she died defending Hamazura, not for "researching the wrong stuff" and the cops were willing to just take her away and weren't going to kill her until one of them just out of the blue wanted to for no discernible reason (later we find out it was because the coin made them or something, that part is still confusing).

Edit: Also, to clarify further, nowhere does it say that she was actually researching the "wrong" stuff, she said that people viewed her bdsm and torture research as being "wrong" and shunned and and that the reason she ended in the dark side was because it was the only place that would accept her. We are never told that she did horrible things with her research, heck, like I said, all we see is her using it to help others.

Originally Posted by Endscape View Post

This is Academy City, where the law is what the Board of Directors says it is and the dark side gets a pass all the time.
Their circumstances weren't tied to the dark side and it's even questionable if it even happened inside of AC at all, it was just a plain old case of a stalker attacking his victims and dying when they defended themselves. The only tie to the dark side is just because Rafuoka decided to get rid of the body, not because dark side made him or planned it, so there is no reason for them to try and intervene. He was just considered dark side because he did a bad thing that one time.

Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
Putting aside that you're mischaracterizing Ladybird's motivations here, did you miss the part where she was getting manipulated by an out and out sadist?
No, just like how I didn't miss the part where she still did those things because she wanted to please him, lie or not she still did those horrible things at his beck and call and was shown to even be happy to do so.

I also am not ignoring that her motivation just came out of nowhere when most convenient during the last part of the volume. Maybe if we had know earlier it would be more tolerable but all we saw was her going Terminator on people for the bast majority of the volume.

Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
The point wasn't justifying why the dark side exists, it's showing how the dark side prays on people for its' own ends.
Therefore justifying the need for the dark side to exist, especially by showing us the so called "beneficials" in a good light, your argument only strengthens mine.

You are free to disagree with me, but don't try and make it look like I don't know what I literally just read.

Last edited by Chosen_Hero; 2020-12-12 at 22:28.
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