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Old 2020-12-12, 18:53   Link #37
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
What is neuromorphic computing? Everything you need to know
about how it is changing the future of computing:

"As time goes on, von Neumann architectures will make it harder and harder to deliver
the increases in compute power that we need.

To keep up, a new type of non-von Neumann architecture will be needed: a
neuromorphic architecture. Quantum computing and neuromorphic systems have both
been claimed as the solution, and it's neuromorphic computing, brain-inspired
computing, that's likely to be commercialised sooner.

As well as potentially overcoming the von Neumann bottleneck, a neuromorphic
computer could channel the brain's workings to address other problems. While von
Neumann systems are largely serial, brains use massively parallel computing. Brains are
also more fault-tolerant than computers -- both advantages researchers are hoping to
model within neuromorphic systems."

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