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Old 2020-12-12, 02:43   Link #86
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Join Date: Mar 2014
So an entire volume for Hamazura to learn that good people do good things because they are good and bad people do bad stuff because they are bad all over again for like the umpteenth time... What a waste of a volume.

So basically, everything with Hamazura went exactly as I predicted before the volume released, then the epilogue happened and... yeah, it was a pretty meh conclusion since we won't know the true results until probably the next volume. If Kamachi actually has the balls to keep Hamazura dead or at the very least cripple him to the point that he has to be taken off the main plot, then I will have a lot of respect for him, but I seriously doubt Kamachi will kill off his OC (calling it now, the charm somehow ends up saving him, because of course it would, why the hell else would he mention it at that exact moment.).

Like I mentioned before, this was in my opinion a worse version of Baggage City and Dark Side War. The whole thing with Anti Skill turn about and them just being willing to murder people, students, all of a sudden from out of nowhere made no sense even when you take the coins into account, heck even just saying "well, it's 'cause dark side lol" doesn't excuse it. I understand if it had been a few of them or half fo them going rogue and just choosing to ignore orders, but ALL of Anti Skill, to the point that they all just start to commit mass suicide near the end? Nah, I ain't buying that.

Then there was the whole dark side apologism going on throughout the volume, "b-but good people exist in the dark side tho", and sure, I am willing to accept that but only if the circumstances make sense and out of all the ones shown only Drencher Kihara's motivation was anywhere near believeable as to why he would be in the dark side.

Seriously, some of those where just ridiculous, "oh I'm in the dark side just because I like researching S&M and people thought it was bad, so here I am" or "my mom and sister accidentally killed their stalker who attacked them so I just chose to get rid of the body, even though it was in self defense and we had a pretty good chance of the case going our way" or my favorite, "I love humans and want to protect them from the dark side by letting them use me instead" says the robot that was going around slicing humans into pieces without any remorse, but feel bad for her though, she's a cute anime loli robot.

I just feel like Kamachi was trying way too hard to excuse why the dark side need to still be around a bit too much and I personally didn't like how he went about in doing so.

Also, Academy City's greatest taboo sucked ass. Was it the fact that the city uses it's population of (mostly underaged) students as lab rats in super illegal experiments? Is it the fact that the list of missing people in the city is about as large as the total population? Maybe it's a list of all the higher ups controlling the dark side from the shadows with and extensive record of every single misdeed? Nah, it's just some conveniently place train station that appeared out of nowhere that one time they were experimenting with the imaginary city that almost ended the world... .

By the way, you can't be telling me that Academy City, a place that is 30 years ahead of the rest of the world in terms of science and medicine couldn't figure out that Takitsubo's condition could be fixed or made slightly better with a simple dialysis machine treatment... right? No, we needed the S&M expert to conveniently figure it out in just a few minutes after meeting them. Not only that, apparently Hamazura himself turned into a moxibustion expert within minutes to the point where he can accurately use it to target the weak points on the seemingly invincible android, apart from you know, having him all of a sudden be able to fight her so perfectly that he was basically curving his infinte amount of rounds and shit... wait what? I thought I was hallucinating the words as I read them, holy shit was that fight not good.

Sigh, I wanted to keep this as short as possible but the more I remember the more I find to complain about... I'll just stop here for the sake of my sanity.

If you liked it then good for you, glad that you enjoyed the volume, but again, this is probably my least favorite volume in the series. With GT 1 and 2 I had my fair share of problems but I was still able to enjoy them far more, but this one just rubbed me the wrong way in almost every single aspect.
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