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Old 2020-11-01, 09:51   Link #71
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by Key Board View Post
As said, I knew it would be a shitshow when they suspended Coco and Haachama
I knew that Japan's own right wing netouyo would be involved. Especially if it made mainstream news.
And yes, anti-Chinese sentiments are high right now, so it was inevitable that other anti-China factions would be involved.
It's mainly EN, HK and CN people fanning the flames. JPs are largely from the sidelines for now. Not everything is 5ch. /hlg/ /jp/ and the HK people are just as rabid if not worse. Honestly these people and the NMSlese from China deserve each other

The ones mounting the anti campaign against Artia are 4channers and HKers/Chinese speakers on Twitter. Ironically, some of them were also part of the campaign against Aloe, so yeah speaks volumes about how much they actually care about the talent themselves despite how they try to paint themselves as different from the CN NMSlese

Cover is beholden to them only because of their purchasing power. If they actually decided to settle for reduced profits by cultivating a core fan base and telling these groups to get fucked then there's really nothing said groups can do except make noise. Might also even set an industry example.

Sadly, Cover is not the only corporate side that is agitating this.
Cover is boycotted by several CN companies right now. Don't expect any more Azur Lane collabs.
They might divorce from BiliBili
They should divorce. I don't know why they never foresaw this. Especially when Bilibili is so losely run. The various translation and management groups for CN are more like sub-contracted by Bilibili and are disgruntled at the poor treatment they get from Cover. They are also nationalist and otaku as hell. So of course they would back any coup by Bilibili against Cover.

This was less about nationalism from the start and more a front for corporate rivalry. So of course the negotiations for the CN girls' departure are now jeopardized given how many corporate bad actors are involved. Cover practically asked for this. One wonders if they even did any research before entering China

Chat spam is honestly a minor and petty issue compared to everything else

I don't think we've seen anything like this, and I wonder if it will set a new standard.
You want a new standard that will prevent further drama, try an idol company that actually promotes an atmosphere and viewer base that treats their talent as human instead of wish-fulfilment objects. Else you are still going to get issues from the EN and JP sections in future even after the divorce from Bili is done, if it's done.

But yeah, right, that's not going to happen since it rakes in the money.

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2020-11-01 at 10:32.
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