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Old 2020-10-19, 11:28   Link #28
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Personally, I think the Author isn't really pushing towards adding another Level 5 yet. I mean, there are how many Level 5 candidates now being held back by one thing in particular that never really gets addresssed?

Awaki is only hampered by her trauma and as far as I know she hasn't made any headway on that aside from getting her legs caught in the ground and ripping them out at the jail to protect her morality pet.

That new girl who wants to serve Touma and was added to the Harem in Volume 1 (we all know its true) is only held back because she lacks precision and they "optimized" her. Heaven Canceller has trouble with Brain Injuries so I'm not sure if he can fix her, but in terms of raw power she's basically a Level 5.

Rikou is supposed to have the capability to push to Level 5 now that she's cured but has she had anything that would push her since OT into filling in that slot?

It also doesn't help that... well, Level 5s aren't top-tier anymore. I mean, in the OT a Level 5 was something to praise and be in awe of (and Mikoto continues to impress in her spin-off), but we've reached a point where we have 2 Level 5s lamenting that they aren't strong enough to deal with the baseline threat they're dealing with called Anna.

And there's only a handful of ways they can even improve further:

1.) Awakening: Something that is not easy and Mikoto can't even access that level of power without losing herself entirely halfway there. Maybe if she merged with the Will of the Network?

2.) Technology: What the A.A.A and Fiver_Over were. Both of which got scrapped against Anna. I honestly can't think of any technology that can one-up those at present.

3.) Magic: Will kill them if they use directly, as we've been reminded, but maybe some kind of mini-Index or Demon like Accelerator so they at least know what they're dealing with?

4.) Rikou: Maybe if she manipulates their AIM she can change it to something new, but I honestly don't see that happening too often since it'd push her into being used as a tool, which Hamazura was trying to avoid.
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