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Old 2020-10-18, 15:19   Link #26
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Join Date: Sep 2011
She might be abnormally strong, but Kuroko is still a more efficient fighter with or without her powers. If she notices someone messing with her powers, she'll work around that until she deals with the person who did it unlike someone less competent. And Hamazura's more of a survivor to me, rather than being capable of fighting an Esper who routinely throws down with other espers, Skill Out, and whatever nonsense that she gets involved in with Mikoto. He beat Mugino, so he gets points for that, but she was pretty unstable every time they met after she underestimated him the first time.

I mean, I think they'll get away from her for the first quarter of the story, then have to work together against whatever threat pops up for the rest, but Kuroko's probably the most terrifying person on the Light Side they can send after someone. She won't kill you because she's not that kind of person, but the girl is relentless.

The Parameter List might be the reason that he's being chased now that I think about it. That data is far too valuable and considering how many lines we've seen the directors crossed, it wouldn't surprise me if one wanted to get it before leaving AC to start their own place.
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