Thread: Milgram
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Old 2020-10-17, 00:17   Link #39
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
I just noticed the English subtitle for Futa's song is out right bad.
1 minute into Futa's song and I already can't stand him.....Like the biggest internet dickwad ever. Hero complex people just never sat well with me

I dunno what to vote on him seriously.....But at the end of the MV he looks more like a fool than an actually malicious person....

BTW, there's apparently interrogation sessions for everyone on the Milgram know what their answers are? Yuno's makes it pretty clear she has abandonment issues and lies a lot to cope with them (and as you say, those men she dated might really be products of her delusions). Saw her's posted online, can't find the rest

EDIT: OH RIGHT......we are voting "forgive" or not....not whether innocent or guilty. Well then, this changes some things regards to Futa.

Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
Another trap song.
But at least it is obvious on what type of trap this is.
The most important factor, what Had Mu done in the first place the triggered the bullying?
And all her "sorry", so there's the possibility she did something despicable in the first place.
Not really a trap though. It's clear what happened here. She got betrayed then snapped due to the bullying and betrayal, lost her head and killed her lover. Unless the reason ties into the killing it's hard to see how it'd even be relevant.

What really is hard about the decision making for Mu is we don't know more about her.....Like Yuno probably has the most clues as to her mental character. Futa we know is what kind of a person. Haruka kind of too......But Mu, not much is shown. So I dunno. Apparently if more people choose not to forgive, the next MV will touch more on their backgrounds. So maybe the not forgive option might be the way to go for now?

Yet when you take the circumstances of the murder alone into account. There and then it's a single outburst from someone pushed over the edge. So I can't say she's irredeemable and unforgiveable either

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2020-10-17 at 01:00.
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