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Old 2020-08-19, 07:47   Link #32
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
I think you guys make the same mistake as the humans in Frieren's series. Just because they look human, act human and speak like human that doesn't make them human. Remember we are talking about a society that has no "family" or "mother/father" concept. That is ALIEN! Family is the smallest most basic unit in all human societies. Doesn't matter in what country you go in our world everyone there will know about families and very often the state supports their families as they ensure the future of their nation.
Demons don't do that, they give birth and then take their leave, that's it.
That concept alone should scare any human into distrusting demons as it feels so weird, so alien-like to have such a society that acts without family as its basic unit.

To make things a bit more comparable - a slug looking alien who cannot speak human but has the concept of family would BE closer to humanity than a demon looking human and speaking human but who has no idea what family is, he just knows the concept of it and how to use it in human speech but that's it.
The Slug would be closer to humanity because with family other concepts also become available, parents, parental love, respect before your elders, generations, etc and etc. Obviously the Demon FEELS closer to humanity due his looks and behavior but he is more like a human-shaped mimic from Dungeon Meshi than a real human.

Also those Demons aren't "evil" that is the entire alien thing about them. They got no morals like humans do which is why the demon girl thought it could buy peace/safety for itself by giving the grieving family another daughter, not understanding why humans are terrified of her decision.
They even more alien than animals who have packs, clans and families. They just exist for themselves. Killing humans is as natural for them as it is for us to keep animals in horrible conditions just to eat their meat cheaply&make a lot of money. That's why there can be no peace between humans and demons as demons never truly understand humans and just fool them over and over again as humans over generations keep forgetting the past and repeat their mistakes of trusting what never really trusted them to begin with.

For humans those demons are "weird human beings" who you can talk thus reason with, for Frieren demons are "Monsters" which explains their "weirdness" as that is how they hunt their prey to survive. We humans would think a sheep stupid for inviting a wolf to dinner, wouldn't we? Even if both are intelligent, one would still be prey and one still be predator, a fragile peace that would get broken at any moment if either the predator succumbs to his instincts or the prey starts to fear for its life thus doing a preemptive strike.

Any case I really liked how Frieren took the 2-3 year sentence as a "oh, that's short, how nice". XD
Same with the demon being called Baron Lügner, Baron Liar, lol. xD
Demons feel like psychopaths seeing humans as things or talking food. Gonna be interesting to see if Frieren will save this city and lose time dealing with those demons or if she will leave its fate to itself and move on. Well, I know our two human companions will want to save the town so the choice has already been taken for Frieren.^^
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