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Old 2020-07-22, 18:50   Link #62
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by Applehell View Post
Mmhm, you get the sense rather than outright evil or good they capacious people who might a have twisted common sense may wouldn't understand.
That would explain a lot about Satella .
There no guarantee anything she says would help or much reason to believe whats she says is true. Plus she had him drink her body fluids without warning. He was also currently in predicament where he doesn't know what is happening to Emilia, Otto & Patrasche. Subaru values the safety of his friends before his own personal needs. Its good thing that's his ideology considering what was going on outside.
I mean, I get it, and I don't blame him, but I'm sure there is going to come up a moment where he would've probably been better prepared had he known the backstory ahead of time .
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Subaru has inherited Betelgeuse's witch factor, which makes me wonder if he can use his unseen hands now? That would certainly be helpful, because as far as I recall the only thing he can do is fart a lot of black smoke.
I wonder if the plot is going to focus on Subaru collecting each of the separate Witch factors into himself after they defeat the other Archbishops. I'm not sure if one body could take all that power .
Finally getting a look at Subaru's former life. I haven't seen a dad wake his son up like that since Bleach.
At least Isshin had a decency to wear a shirt. Then again, he didn't have Subaru's dad's bod .
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