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Old 2020-07-21, 10:21   Link #81
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Regarding Anna, here's my theory.

She's the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene (or maybe the Virgin Mary).

2000 years ago, she watched Jesus work himself to the bone and even sacrifice his life to save people, which is why she hates the idea of Touma or anyone running around saving people.

When she reincarnated as Anna, she joined the Rosicrucians and mastered magic so she could teach it to other people and they could save themselves with it, so that one person wouldn't have to take up the burden.

That's why she allowed Westcott to use the Rosicrucian name to start the Golden Dawn even if it was against the cabal's rules, because she knew that someone from there would create modern Western magic and the work kit to spread magic even further.

But in the end, all the people she taught didn't learn what she was teaching them properly and only ended up using her name for their prestige, and the Golden cabal ended up breaking apart before completing their goal, so Anna lost faith in people understanding her.

Illusion, illusion, this is illusion. It cannot harm me.
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