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Old 2020-07-15, 09:56   Link #48
Index III was a mistake
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Sydney, Australia
Age: 32
This has been yet another enjoyable novel from Kamachi (he's been on a fairly solid run from NT18 onwards) and yet another character examination/exploration of Kamijou Touma.

I appreciate that the novel wastes no time getting straight to the point in the Prologue with Anna trolling Mikoto and setting up the immediate conflict. Even the supposed fluff in Chapter 1 (which I very much enjoyed) had purpose in lulling us into a false sense of security before hitting us hard with Kamijou's diagnosis:

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What a gut punch.

Chapter 2 was full of Mikoto-Misaki shenanigans as they try to attack the magic brick wall, Anna Sprengel, by arming themselves with the AAA (which is immediately destroyed) and the Five Over (& OS) Model Case: Mental Out/s from NT11 (complete with Ayu's skimpy outfit) (both of which also get destroyed).

What was the aim of all of this outside of the immediate plot of GT2? My guess is the bonding of the two Level 5s in a scenario where their powers prove to be almost entirely useless. Their lack of magic knowledge really was their Achilles Heel this time around; more so than in any other previous volume as they had no one familiar with magic to guide them or get out of jail for free cards like in the side stories (including the recently destroyed AAA). Its been a good 50'ish volumes but now is the time to bring Misaka up to speed on magic.

Anyways, regarding Chapter 3 (minus the surprising re-appearance of Maidono Hoshimi); nothing but praise. Praise for Othinus taking the necessary dirty actions (or non-actions) so that Kamijou will end up surviving even if it breaks his modus operandi. In terms of the now well-defined harem of Index, Mikoto, Othinus and Misaki, Othinus continues to have the most meaningful, deep or heart-warming interactions with Kamijou (not to mention between any two characters in the entire franchise).

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Brilliant. It reminded me of a similar scenario in NT3 between Accelerator and Birdway.

And then Othinus drops this little nugget right at the end to show that how capable she is as a magic god despite being de-powered and the size of a fairy:

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I repeat. Best general interaction between two characters in the entire franchise.

And then comes the elephant in the room: Aihana Etsu. (henceforth addressed as a 'he' just coz its easier).

Aihana Etsu questions and speculation
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In their exchange, Kamijou comes off as incredibly charismatic in his refutation but the narration makes it clear that Aihana was the one in the right and that Kamijou knew it. Which makes this scenario mirror OT16's scene with Kamijou and Mikoto. Only this time, Aihana isn't going to go full dere for him. Which makes me wonder if Mikoto kept getting in Kamijou's way in OT16 if he would have eventually punched her as well.

All of Aihana's criticisms of Kamijou were spot on; he is a certified hypocrite with a gigantic dose of charisma. I had some conflicting feelings on how Kamijou ended his confrontation with Aihana as he seems to relish in his hypocrisy in an unhealthy way. He's a complete idiot... until...

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Fucking wow!! That's the most Kamijou-like course of action I've seen in ages. The hint was there even going back to his conversation with Othinus earlier in the chapter.

And now, he's leaned into fully letting St. Germain use magic in his body through is left hand. I swear, Kamijou is just a gift that keeps on giving.

Can't wait for the conclusion!

Last edited by OH&S; 2020-07-16 at 22:08.
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