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Old 2020-07-10, 08:57   Link #24
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Pretty good episode as everyone else already said why so I'm not gonna parrot it.

But if there's one negative direction/writing that I personally need to take from this episode is how some characters keep stroking Subaru's ego to the point of worship. After Crusch's long-winded compliment of Subaru at the end of S1, now we have Rem's exclamation while she was fighting real scary enemies. When Rem was prattling about how super-duper-alpha-ultra-omega awesome Subaru was, I got the hibbie-jibbies not from something scary but from an extreme cringe that I have ever experienced in a while.

I know it's not technically wrong to hype up your MC via other characters, but I wish the writer could've made it less cringy. Just my humble opinion. But hey, Rem's KO'd now and Crusch lost her memory so that will (hopefully) reduce the number of Subaru ego-stroking in the following episodes. A man can wish.

Also, not impressed with the two new Deadly Sins so far. Looks like nobody's gonna dethrone FMA's Seven Deadly Sins overall villain-group any time soon.
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