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Old 2020-07-05, 01:11   Link #96
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Ah yes, that Alice 1-4-10, I was stuck there until Friday. I'm only now finishing everyone's book 1, but from what I've heard the difficulty curve is very steep.

I know late game Sorcerers and Minstrels sometimes would dip into the other's stuff if they didn't have the best of the best stuff for every slot (Sorcmin and Minsorc being their unoriginal names). Though even then they only ever dipped 5 of their 20 slots, and it meant they couldn't use a Half Nightmare.
If only I had 5/20 misc weapons, my current grid is 4-12, with 4 being staves. It's going to be rough until we get some banners going.
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