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Old 2020-06-14, 05:50   Link #87
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Originally Posted by BladeMancer View Post
From Zero is what redefines what Subaru is going to do in the world. It's literally in the name, that moment is why Subaru is capable of tackling the Betelgeuse menace and the whole situation in Arc 4. Sure, Emilia's gesture of kindness was important, but realize that just merely taking him in wasn't some big ass turning point. He was still stuck in his own mindset, the mindset that led him to isolation in Japan. From a character development standpoint and a plot standpoint, this is not quantifiable as a pivotal moment. From Zero is by far the most pivotal moment in the entire series for Subaru when looking at how it transforms Subaru into the Subaru we know of in the later arcs. Like yeah Emilia helping Subaru lays the groundwork but it doesn't change Subaru so significantly that his behavior and methods drastically change.

What qualities as a pivotal moment is something (or things) that impacts a character's life so strongly that it continues to influence that character throughout the story. Meeting and becoming involved with Emilia definitely fits becasue it began his raison d'être in time he had become withdrawn (can't say much more with S2 spoilers) and that motivated him to continue living here. He also definitely wasn't the sort of person who was inclined to go out of his way help others like he did in Arc 1 (which is shown in an example with the little girl) prior to this, it was Emilia who brought thta out of him as he hadn't felt that way about anyone before. But was not something that supposed to fix him completely, but be part of a process of growth over the course of the story.

My post isn't just my interpretation, its what Subaru actually feels and what he has felt like before coming to this world. Meeting Emilia and attaining the life he has now was a new beginning for him that's why he struggle so hard to keep it while trying to hold down his anxieties of inadequacy. From Zero wasn't really just about refining who he was but reaffirming why he was here, why he cares at all. Like Subaru doesn't just go through one moment of growth he goes through several phases of them that strengthen his connection to this world and characters in it. He thinks back to these moments from time to time the especially in 2nd season when he undergoes a certain event (vol 10).

So the beginning is absolute a pivotal moment for him. From Zero doesn't change those feelings he felt then, it just sands away a part of his emotional baggage from his past that inhibited what he wanted to do as each arc has been doing. Its not something that occurred in a vacuum or unrelated to everything that before that nor is it the only thing that had any impact on him. Basically Subaru was already changing before From Zero due his relationships, what that did just pushed those changes further and harder which why his development is good.

So this not an "either or" thing here, rather that this something built on over the course of the story that attempts address various parts of his flaws which is why From Zero was just culmination of all the pieces of his development from Arcs 1, 2 & 3 up to that point. Its why Rem presence and words here are important, because she is living proof that his actions made some difference when he was mired in his own self-loathing from all his failures and couldn't see that. However FZ doesn't completely fix him either, like meeting Emilia didn't, it is just one event of several others contributes to improving him as 2nd season will continue to do.

Last edited by Applehell; 2020-06-14 at 08:41.
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