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Old 2020-06-12, 21:07   Link #80
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Based on what she says in the trailer, Echidna isn't Satella.
Oh, Tokkan's right. I misread your post because I thought you were talking about Echidna. She was mysterious VA in the OVA. Satella already has a VA and that's Rie.

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I think the main takeways from the trailer were Subaru meeting Echidna, Subaru finding Rem, and the fight between Rem and those two new villains (or is it one that just transforms?). Getting some "Rem's last stand" vibes .

I guess it depends on one's standards for a Main Heroine since I felt her relationship with Subaru and how that impacts him was as central to the arc as Subaru's character development was. I mean, Emilia's more plot relevant because of her relationship with Satella and overall in-universe standing (and Subaru loves her too) but just in terms of the third arc I felt Rem was very impactful in terms of her use and her relationship with Subaru.

Frankly I'm not surprised that it seems like they are "taking her out" to such a degree because, beyond popularity, she would have been too convenient to prevent Subaru from suffering given how their relationship dynamic ended up. Now he has to move forward with his vow without her by his side.
Oh her relationship was important, but more of an afterfact thing of previous. She hardly the only person who effect him in that way either up on until that point tho. Emilia had not been by his side and support him throughout the 1st and 2nd arcs he wouldn't even made to 2nd half of the show. Even Betty and Ram's interactions where important to him an extent, just not as much the other two girls.

That said proper main heroines to me are characters who have a lot of story central to their own conflict and goal almost just as much of male lead. They aren't just romantic interests. Rem to me is more of wingman who is motivated by her own feelings for Subaru to help him, but doesn't drive the plot on her own like other secondary characters.
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