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Old 2020-05-07, 05:20   Link #85
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Rieti-Italia
Who you mean for girl with black hair?
The class prez or the normal girl Nishino liked for a while?
And about that, Nishino had a short "crush" on a classmate that he thought was a perfect normal girl, he decided to live as a normal JP student in his fianl time at school and that she would have matched the image well, I don't clearly remember why but his classmates asked him who he liked and he just said her name, a boy in his class that dislike him then decided to do her just to get back at the MC, that didn't honestly care because that "love" was just a possibility in his mind.
Another crush was a italian girl that Rose presented to him, but it was just a plot from Rose to get his contact info and a idea of what he likes from the messages.
MC luck and misfortune is pretty balanced, Rose is the only girl that clearly likes him but he believes she is only another bitch that wants to build a relationship to use him whenever she needs and is just acting the part, he believes that Rose even got with the classmate that dislike him because he told him so.

At least that is where the novel translation got, I don't know if the class prez will fall for him after the present arc, but her evaluation of him should at least change.

The author gone out of his way to make the MC hated without a good reason, when he brought a rockstar to the school band the girls decided it was thanks to Rose and not Nishino, and even when discovering it was only MC that was close to him they stayed away.
When he saved his classmates from the yakuza they not only weren't grateful but even said lies to make him at fault.
When the money disappeared they decided he was the culprit even if a ton of people had access to the money and the author made the thing even dumber from not making just explain that he took a mask for the musicist that all the school cheered for and got out of the room, so for them there was no reason for him to be in the room that had the money, the money just reappering didn't remove the suspects because it would look like he put it back for fear.
The biggest culprits of this are the prez that hates him for no reason and pushes the class to hate him, the male classmate that changed being saved in saving him and Rose that actually wants Nishino to be alone so she will be the only person close to him.

99% of the people in this novel are pieces of sht I wouldn't want to be friend anyway but Nishino wants to be friendly.
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