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Old 2020-02-10, 01:59   Link #338
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Wow, it's been a while since this thread was active.

I actually dropped the "SAO vs Log Horizon" fanfic idea when I found out that Mamare Touno (Log Horizon's author) got in trouble with Tax Evasion a few years ago. But with the last 11 episodes of Alicization set for this April and Log Horizon's 3rd season set for this October, I'm thinking of bringing it back.

I was originally going to have it set up as an "8-on-8" team fight, but I've decided to have this as a "6-on-7" fight. Given the party limits in their respective series (LH: 6. SAO: 7). With the following Line-Ups:

Log Horizon: Shiroe, Akatsuki, Naotsugu, Nyanta, Tetora and Touya

Sword Art Online: Kirito, Asuna, Leafa, Klein, Sinon, Lisbeth and Silica.

The set-ups in this would have the SAO characters in their ALO avatars. Kirito and Asuna would be in their ALO avatars they made after New Aincrad was added to ALO. In other words, they will *not* have the Stats/Data from their old Aincrad avatars.

Log Horizon's would be around where the anime's 2nd season ended.

Right now, I'm taking an extensive look on what each side (and characters) are going to bring to the table. And the "inner-workings" of their respective universes.

One thing I know about in SAO is that the game ALO does not have a level system, but has a "skills progression" system in it's place to prevent a huge gap between new and old players.

For Log Horizon, their game Elder Tales does have a Level system, but it also has a "skills progression and mastery" system in it.

Maybe for the sake of "balance" I'll set the fight in ALO, the characters from Log Horizon will lose their levels, but they'll still retain their Elder Tale skills due to that game having a "Skill progression and Mastery" system.

This isn't really all set in stone, yet. Given how both Series goes this year, this may change.

Any thoughts?

Last edited by DarkJak2050; 2020-02-10 at 17:40.
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