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Old 2020-02-06, 00:52   Link #37
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
I've been comparing vanguards, and Zima seems underpowered. Texas has better stats and Fang is easier to max out, at which point she also has far better stats and costs less (although her skill adds less DP). So, what's the point of using Zima if you don't need an extra vanguard? I'm also farming Courrier from the shop, so someone will be left out...

Also, how do you use pull units? If you have them facing away, they'll be taking all the damage. If you put them on ranged positions, their strict linear range limits their targets, and if you place them normally, they just pull enemies towards them...
If you use 3 or more vanguards, Zima's E2 (as they call it?) will save you more Cost than Texas. Heck, use Zima with Texas. Also, her second skill buffs all vanguards.
If you only have two vanguards, then she won't prove to be incredible in any way. Not weak, but Texas is probably easier to use.
Also, she insults you when you lose, so for people of those hobbies?

[Pull Unit] [Hole] [Enemy]
Just the opposite of Shaw. There are some maps where there is clearly a ranged platform meant for pull units, like Annihilation 2.

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