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Old 2020-01-06, 18:11   Link #16
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by mergele View Post
This is gonna end badly.

Option 1: This is supposed to be something entirely different. A spin-off inspired by the setting, not actually tied into the original story. For that it is clinging to the superficial toppings of the original to much. Opening up with Magia, the 'totally not Sayaka, Homura and Mami classmates', that shot in bed. And the also wrong use of the imagery like in the circus. If it wants to be it's own thing it needs to be bolder in beeing it's own thing. Step out of the shadow of it's big brother.

Option 2: This is supposed to somehow tie into the original story. Well that would just makes it all even worse. The copied imagery could then be applied by purpose and the stronger bleeding of witchery into reality could all be meaningful - but we already had Rebellion and that still needs a conclusion and this is not gonna be that.
It's a spin-off. I'd say the fact it's very similar to the main work is pretty normal. You shouldn't expect it to be different, but rather to offer new ideas like some of the spin-off manga did.

I've been wondering about one thing since finding out it takes place in one of the failed timelines. It's only Homura's mind that travels back in time, so the timelines where she failed to save Madoka still exist, right? In that case, perhaps we're going to see how the cast of this series will deal with the aftermath of Walpurgisnacht.
Rize and Kaneki
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