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Old 2006-08-05, 15:42   Link #17
Crazy Devout Fanboy
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: 1st Ra Cailum-class battleship Ra Cailum, port-side officer's bunks
Originally Posted by Kensuke
Do you really think that any company would release something under the name of "Utawarerumono".
Lol, well I personally think that would be infinitely better than the current name, but in answer to your question, no.

Here is exactly what I think we should tell those bonehead name-thinkers in the US Anime companies, word for word. It also tells you my opinion on US naming of Japanese anime:

"Ask the Japanese companies, 'Hey, we're dumb$hits with names here, so can you give us a name for your Anime so we don't make it sound stupid by giving it a $hitty name?' "

C'mon, we've got cool and catchy titles like Stargate SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica and The Dead Zone and The 4400, why can't we Americans think of better names for anime?
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