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Old 2019-09-09, 22:39   Link #23
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Originally Posted by kurosa View Post

Many people hate her due to diffenret reasons.

Some are hipocrats who hate her for being a "slut" (had sex only one time) but you don see that same people throwing shit to Allen (a manwhore) or Sophie (sluttier).
Other problem that I saw a lot in manga threads is because readers believe she cheat on him (Threesome) despite them not being a couple.
Some (Me included) hate the attitude she had with Tanaka at the beginning, but it doesn't mean that you have to keep hating her when she already changed. I actually like Esther when she is not stupid bitch (attitude).
Some hate her just because she dump Allen.


What? No, she didn't dump Allen 'cause Tanaka is bigger, she blushed when she saw his dick because she was embarrassed like any girl would do or a boy would do if they saw a pussy, that's a normal reaction it doesn't mean she fell for him.

She even stated in her diary how she fell in love with Tanaka.


The reasons that make her fall for Tanaka were:

- Kindness (She as the someone who has been taught all her life to act perfect (Like any noble girl) and needs approbation (As we can see in her attitude with her dad) became a hindrance -hostage- yet he refused to leave her and never blame her, swore to ever be by her side no matter.)

- Admiration (She like Fahren admires magic)

- Bravery (Where other doubt or were afraid, he acted even risking his own safety (Wyvern).)

- Every man she met always told her that she was beautiful and that they loved her so her perspective of love was dull and hollow and never felt what meant to be truly loved or being in love (I'm used to being loved, it's normal to be told that they love me because I am the daughter of a great family of the nobility. It was always like this.)

As she said (What I feel for Allen is a fundamentally different emotion) it's because what she feels for him is just passion, what she liked about him it's just his appearance just like how 95% of all girls in this serie react towards Allen (Cyan, Sofia, her classmates, commoner girls in High Orc attack, every single woman in fitzclarence party, etc.)

Allen was just the chad in school that every girl had a crush and later appears a guy that makes them forget about him.
I think its more of a projection kind of thing which I totally get. You assume a girl was into this guy (she's taken if you will), then all of a sudden she says shes into you. What does that say about her? We know she's not that bad because we can read into her inner thoughts. But if this happened in real life? I wouldn't know what to think of it except to feel sorry for the other guy who got dumped cuz he's a genuinely nice guy. Her situation is rather hard and I don't blame other guys for not liking her.
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