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Old 2006-08-04, 15:44   Link #41
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Sweden/Ljusdal
Age: 37
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Originally Posted by Kiva128

Hey those aren't bad for a first try. You should have seen my first attempt at fan art (I did Vegeta from DBZ ). I like the eyes in the first one. And how come Kairin is so sad in the second picture?

If you want to take the path to becoming a great artist, you must know that the road will be long, and ardjuous. But then again, nothing worth doing is easy, right? Then again if you just want to draw in your spare time as a hobby, that works too.

One of the things I did when I first started was to copy drawings that other people did (professional anime guys). I tried to make them as close to the original as possible. So, I don't know if that's a path you'd like to take. Likewise, other people sometimes like to not copy at all and just draw originals right from the beginning. Either way is good I guess.

But the most important thing is to have fun doing it and not worry too much about it not looking right.

So thank you for choosing Kairin as your first fan art ever. It's an honour
I like your path so I will take that way to become alittle bit better, but i will never try to reach the "Great artist" part my self! so Im only doing this in my spear time as a hobby nothing els... maby if it turns out that i have a hidden talent i will go for somthing in that way

And I most say that i really like Kairin she is so cute
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