Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-08-31, 12:59   Link #42
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Join Date: Aug 2013
So this entire thing was set off by an experiment to create the first Level 6. That never ends well .

Hirumi was positively adorable. With her unbridled cuteness and enthusiasm I'm not surprised her brother or Esther would become as dedicated to her as they did. And she looked pretty hot in those gym clothes .

So Esther didn't seem to have a problem with the Level 6 experiments when they were just grabbing random women in debt who needed the money or shoplifters. I guess it's better then actually killing women, even if stripping them down to their underwear and messing with them emotionally and physically isn't much better. Plus, having two dudes run an experiment that treats women in such a way seems pretty skeevy .

I thought Esther's clothes were from wherever she's from, but it turns out she came to Academy City wearing nothing but a button-down shirt and pants and looked almost completely different. So we have Hirumi to thank for Esther starting to look and dress more like a girl .

I see Esther's lack of shame at being seen in her underwear was a thing even back then, although her taste in underwear was decidedly more plain (which I guess means Hirumi is behind the pair Accelerator saw her in). She was even mistaken for Harumi .

Oh hey, that trio from the first episode. Kinda neat that they showed up. Kind of makes me think they might address them again at some point .

So the individual running around in Hirumi's body isn't actually Hirumi, but one of the necromancer guardians Esther has. Although it did throw a potential wrinkle with the idea that Hirumi planned for this to happen from the very start .

Did Esther's handcuffs disappear between scenes? She didn't have them on in that panning shot of her standing up when she agrees to work with "Hirumi" .
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