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Old 2019-08-18, 08:42   Link #12
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: A city with a small mountain in the middle
Originally Posted by Kakurin View Post
Ah, and which countries are you talking about? Support for Israel is still as strong as ever. Although I think it's quite weird that you try to use an Israel / Palestine comparison.
Palestine won the vote that recognizes them as a nation at the UN, no? A total of 138 countries out 193 recognized Palestine as. Except for a most Western countries going against (Sweden voted for instead), it's safe to say that it is a big middle finger to Israel and to the US.

Unless you have not read the news in the last 2-3 days, you should have heard that a number of people in the US are pushing for slashing aid to Israel despite what all lobbyists and corporations want to make people think. Come 2021, there could be a huge shift in that "support" of Israel. It wouldn't come too soon in my view.

That's quite a dictatorial view you have. Protests and demonstrations that are within my views? Good. Protests and demonstrations that are against my views? Ship those bastards out.
As far as they are concerned, they are the ones who openly started stirring shit in Australia by getting into fisticuffs against pro-Hong Kong factions, so much that the latter had to receive police protection to prevent further incidents. And as far as we know, it was a pro-Chinese protester who punched the ABC Australia reporter doing his job by filiming the scene. Are you OK with what those Chinese nationalists have been doing? You're the one who have a distorted view here.

You overestimate the European Union. In the case of China the EU is no longer speaking with an unified voice with countries like Italy or Greece joining the Belt-and-Road project. Unless there is a massacre of unthinkable proportions the EU won't be able to cut ties with China lest it wants to risk tearing the union further apart.
Did you even read one bit of what I wrote above? Cutting ties would be the next step if troops are involved and perpetrate a massacre. As for Italy, they can go fuck themselves for as long as Salvini is the one pulling the strings; that's how I feel since they passed the anti-migrant law.

In any case, I'm against all countries and governments wherever they may be and regardless of whether they have diplomatic relations with my home country or not. From the very moment there is a disregard against human rights, against humanitarian considerations, and against the rule of law, such countries and governments should be treated as ideological enemies.

Last edited by Toukairin; 2019-08-18 at 08:59.
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