Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Lord El Melloi II Case Files - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-07-20, 16:03   Link #99
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Who the heck is eye-patch, pink hair, girl? Is she a Chuuni? Is she like an idol or something? I really want to know what her deal is .

Luvia! Wasn't expecting her to turn up, even though I probably shouldn't be surprised given she was established to be Waver's student before. She's still as haughty and stunning as ever, so it'll be interesting to see how much she gets to do here. It was nice seeing her .

"Any lady should know about wrestling" That' interesting perspective .

Should I know who the elder sister of glasses kid is? I feel like I should...

Be careful you don't turn into Gray's stalker Svin .

It seems like all the villain of the weeks on this show will have trying to reach The Root in common. Honestly, I was surprised myself the guy didn't try and call Waver's bluff and take them all out, but I guess he didn't see any worth to it with his position and title taken away from him...

So I guess we see what the equivalent of the police force is for the magic community at the end there as they cart the villain of the week away. I wonder if that short, chubby, guy is going to end up being Waver's Lestrade character ?

I think I missed the implication of the ending. Was Waver planning on getting involved in the Fifth Holy Grail War, the one that happened in Fate Stay/Night, possibly so he would get a chance to summon Iskandar again? And the position to be able to participate in it has closed ?
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