Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-07-20, 12:45   Link #15
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
That poor girl. Bad enough that her life got to a point where she tried to kill herself, but even after surviving that she gets murdered and used to power a robot with her ability. And she looked so beautiful in that picture .

What better foe for a self-proclaimed absolute villain like Accelerator then a self-proclaimed absolute justice ?

So we're dealing with some kind of self-righteous paramilitary group that styles themselves after Anti-Skill but believes they're the true "Justice" of Academy City, even though in practice they come off more like a mercenary force then a true law enforcement group. I amost wonder if there's some kind of mind control at play with that DA Dogma chant they did after putting their helmets on .

Don't bother Accelerator while he's reading the Heavy Object Manga .

I have to wonder if Okamoto can just belt out those Accelerator laughs on command at this point .

Random naked girl! And it looks like she and that scientist guy were about to get pretty intimate before the camera cut away .

I love how even when she's super tired Last Order still doesn't quit it with the "Misaka Misaka," well, mostly .

Esther is cute and I'm curious what her situation is that led to her giving Dogma the ability to utilize the dead and what kind of dynamic she has with Accelerator moving forward, especially when she seems committed to thinking there's good in him.
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