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Old 2019-07-15, 10:33   Link #79
Lurker of the internet
Join Date: May 2014
Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
Touman is tooooo bland. As a character his too ideal bland. I don't like him but I don't hate him. Pretty average to me.

My Favorite is Accelerator. He has character and the background play an important part on his development.

Touma is unchangeable. his like the corner of the story that won't change while the people around him change.

And I repeat. As a character. I don't like Touma. As a person. I like Touma.
Unchangeable? Really? So far he has changed so much in the past volumes. The Old Touma relied on his fist, was selfless, and didn't care much. In the newer and current volumes he has become selfish, and the way he took action has changed as well. Old Touma wouldn't choke someone, throw a bike on someone, hang someone on a helicopter's blade, stab someone with a pen, and mostly he's much more open about his selfish desires than the paragon of selflessness that he was before NT9 and NT10. Heck, many has been speculating that he might just became a demon lord if he continues down this change of personality that he has been going through. His morals, beliefs, and everything else has been changing and evolving while Accelerator, and Hamazura has remain stagnant, no, at least Accelerator has been going some changes, from the prick, to the prick with a heart of gold. You want to talk about unchangeable? The unchangeable one is Hamazura and so far he barely failed in anything in NT which is disappointing as a Hamazura fan. Heck, I wasn't fond of Touma until NT9 happened. That volume alone changed my perspective on Touma and to say he didn't change between volumes? That's just plain wrong. I mean people seems to have missed the subtle cues on how Touma just panics and go paranoid at the thought of anything that reminds him of the NT9 hells, heck, him panicking when Othinus was gone from his shoulder, and the remarks about Tranquilizers and the likes shows that he didn't got off the NT9 hell well. Now, he's on the fence on the duality of what he does and whether he was good or evil for doing so.

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