Thread: Licensed Spy x Family
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Old 2019-07-14, 14:37   Link #75
Best Girl Connoisseur
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Trinidad & Tobago
Age: 28
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
As expected, as Twilight mission gets more focus, Yoru gets more and more sidelined. She's just totally irrelevant.
I understand your concerns, I really do. However, do you have some kind of grudge against Yoru or something? You've been pounding her quite a bit the last few chapters and we're only 9 chapters in... Come on man, at least save your criticisms until we're past 20 chapters at least.

Remember when everyone used to bash Black Clover for being completely unoriginal and shamelessly ripping off themes from other popular shounen series? Look how that turned out, it gradually got better and did manage to finally craft an identity for itself, didn't it? It sure as hell didn't happen by chapter 9, did it?

As I previously said, I do understand your concerns as I too have similar gripes about Yoru's role in the story. The difference is, I'm reserving judgement until I'm given a reason to call foul. Calling foul on her this early in the story's serialization is kinda silly and shows how impatient you're being.
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