Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Lord El Melloi II Case Files - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-07-14, 12:05   Link #77
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the Horizon
Age: 43
Originally Posted by orion View Post
Maybe it was to clean up the mess. If the main family knew that she knew about the ritual, then the main family would have her share the blame for her father's death as it sounds like the death was preventable. It's like the bartender letting an drunk customer drive himself home who dies in a car accident. You get in trouble for doing that here.
It could go further than just harsh words. Being the Fargos' main/source family AND the head of the Astromancy department, the Animuspheres are in a very good position to take over the Fargos' research along with its assets. This fiasco would be a perfect excuse and Mary won't be able to stop them unless she seek help from another family/faction, which would in turn come with its own hefty price. For her, it'll be a no-win situation (though the silver lining would be that she'd probably still have her freedom).

Of course, I don't know if Marisbury would go to that extent, but that's the kind of dog-eat-dog society they live in.

Signature by liro
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