Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Lord El Melloi II Case Files - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-07-13, 21:55   Link #66
Waiting for more taiyuki!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Random14 View Post
I wonder how many more episodes will be standalone like this. I don't mind, I like getting answers quickly and this wasn't that complicated a mystery. No surprise that a mage would try something crazy like that, nor that his daughter wouldn't be completely innocent either. I was half expecting the maid to be an illegitimate daughter or something too.

And I'm not sure if that giant ghost thing or Gray with the scythe in a trance is creepier. I'm not sure if its the artwork changing a bit but the resemblance is a lot more obvious now (especially the serious face, almost Saber Alter like), even with the hood up. She's even got the ahoge.

With the references to Animusphere, too bad we didn't see them. And interesting to see different takes on magecraft, along with adapting it to modern ideas. Even something from the 17th century is too new for them. Waver won't even grow that strong but he makes a pretty good teacher. If the daughter knew about the whole thing, not sure why she called in Waver, unless to keep up the facade and/or to find the father's soul and make sure the ritual failed.
Maybe it was to clean up the mess. If the main family knew that she knew about the ritual, then the main family would have her share the blame for her father's death as it sounds like the death was preventable. It's like the bartender letting an drunk customer drive himself home who dies in a car accident. You get in trouble for doing that here.
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