Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Lord El Melloi II Case Files - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-07-07, 13:06   Link #40
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
Really enjoyed the episode. Only things that felt weird was the "timing" of things. Like, 7 months after the war and Waver's hair is now like a foot longer. And then 29 months after that he's now about the height of Adult Waver (29cm (almost a foot) taller) and has that deep voice. This would all make sense if he wasn't already 19 in Fate/Zero, but this isn't a fault of the anime as all of this was already established lore.

Can't wait for more, but I hope they don't do any more of that "let's see things through Waver's PoV" like in the ending credits scene with Grey.

Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I found it interesting that people believe Kayneth was killed by Saber. This will probably be relevant.
I assume its only purpose is to make Waver further detest Arturia than he already does (after she tried to kill him on the overpass that cost Iskander his chariot).

Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
and (I hope) not filled with gender-swapped heroic spirits for no reason (unlike Apoc).
The only gender bend was Frankenstein, who was clearly modeled after Frankenstein's Bride instead. Or Mordred who is a clone of Arturia, so again it works in-universe lore because of how that was already established.

Unless you're complaining that the serial killer with an unknown identity and several strong cases made that they were female was portrayed as a female instead of male, in which case...

Originally Posted by Wandering Soul View Post
That was a pretty good start. While I get why Waver wants to honor Kayneth, he really shouldn't blame himself for Kayneth's death. Kayneth knew what he was getting himself involved in and it's not like he would have hesitated to screw over Waver if their situations were reversed.
While Waver wouldn't know how badly Diarmuid screwed over Kayneth's plans, he definitely did super screw him over with his knightly honor and curse mark. That said, Iskander likely wouldn't have been having any of Kayneth's nonsense either, so he definitely was screwed either way. But Waver probably felt that if HE could survive with Iskander, Kayneth would too even if he'd lose. It's wrong, but this is Waver.

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
I was hoping there would be more of a hook to sell the story than it just relying on being about Fate/Zero's Waver Velvet but the tone was right enough for me to consider this "actual" canon.
I mean... he's in the title of the series.

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Weren't they? I doubt Waver would have had enough time to gauge their circumstances.

But even then, I wouldn't exactly be laughing at their deaths like it was some kind of sport.
They were working for a guy who was capturing magi and sacrificing them to use their magical circuits. They saw their comrades die excavating, but didn't care. They weren't innocent.
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