Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Lord El Melloi II Case Files - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-07-07, 02:23   Link #29
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
I feel like the terminology/subs could've been a bit clearer this episode. When the girl asked Waver why he took on Lord El Melloi's "class" I originally thought she meant "class" as in the title, the Lord El Melloi title, not a school class. I was confused throughout the entire conversation because I was left wondering how he managed to take on the title just by borrowing money and obviously without the family's consent. It was only when the girl then asked Waver to take on the title that I realised what the conversation was actually about.

Anyway, it was a decent episode. I was hoping there would be more of a hook to sell the story than it just relying on being about Fate/Zero's Waver Velvet but the tone was right enough for me to consider this "actual" canon.
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