Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Lord El Melloi II Case Files - Anime Discussion
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Old 2019-07-06, 19:46   Link #26
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Finally, a Fate anime spin off that's relevant to the main timeline (unlike Prisma Illya & Apoc) that's not littered with trashy fanservice (unlike Prisma Illya & Apoc) and (I hope) not filled with gender-swapped heroic spirits for no reason (unlike Apoc). I also assume that the story in this show will be a lot more engaging than that Fate-food show. Furthermore, it's a continuation story of one of my favorite characters from the best Fate anime to date.

Really enjoy this episode. Let's hope the quality remain solid from start to finish.

Still, for negatives, I gotta say that the BGM sometimes overpower the dialogues a bit. I know Kajiura's music is great but the anime director needs to consider the balance in the presentation more.
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