Thread: Licensed Spy x Family
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Old 2019-06-30, 18:52   Link #46
James Rye
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Ho-ho-ho-ho-holy molly, Anya got a MAD punch! XDDD
I love how tiny she is compared to everyone else so you obviously notice that she is actually younger than the rest. Or how she repeatedly did that (smug) smile because she was praised for it by Becky. Gotta say I really like the designs for Becky, new best friend, and Damian, arrogant Noble who already got both his eyes on Anya (both in the way of her being cute and how dare she stands up to him xD), possible future husband given he is a tsundere ("Ugly ugly ugly!" lolololol~) and Anya an Esper who can read minds and takes no BS from him.^^
Poor Twilight though, both his plans got massive cracks right now! It is not even the first school day, this was just a ceremony before said school day, and his daughter already got a Thunder on her chest! This is going to be so fun!!!!! <3 <3 <3
I thought this series was slowly losing steam but damn, look at it go! Can't wait for the first volume sales. Hope they are really good in Japan. This series deserves lots and lots of fans!
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