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Old 2019-04-06, 06:41   Link #23
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post

...This was horrible. What is really sad is that up until I watched this pile of s***, my impression of JC Staff is
"At worst, something average"

Which really makes me wonder what went wrong here. I personally think what happened is that they wanted to make anime of a bunch of spinoffs, so they used this 3rd season as a scapegoat of sorts.
No mystery here, they rushed it way too much. I'm not sure if it's because they wanted to do New Testament and needed to go through this, or because they wanted Railgun and Accelerator, and thought people would riot of they didn't get this as well, but it clearly didn't get the time and effort it deserved.

So why did they change the SE of Imagine Breaker? Did some new guy come into the staff and say "I'm soooooo much beeeetttteiiierrrr at making SE. Let's replace the old ones with my sexy jet engine SE!"
I really hope we hear a reason for this at some point. I hope someone asks.

Okay, I know the original LN is pretty bad too,
The LN is fine, again the thing was rushed.

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