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Old 2019-04-05, 19:57   Link #10
Wandering Soul
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: America
The finale was done pretty well. Touma and Accelerator's part were strong, Hamazura a bit less so. They didn't really do a good job explaining why Rikou is important or what the Parameter list was. Aleister's confrontation with Fiamma was also a good scene as they make it clear that something abnormal is going on with him being there.

Overall this season was mediocre and sort of disappointing, though maybe my expectations were high. There was some good episode, usually the beginning of some arcs, but the climaxes were ruined by some bad or lackluster animation. This was a downgrade from the first two seasons, but I have seen it get some people into the light novels and if it accomplished that I can't really call it a complete failure.

I am still sort of glad this was made (mostly because it did manage to get some people in the series and helped me find more places to discuss the series) and the staff seems to be aware of the complaints and problems with this adaption, so hopefully, they'll bring their A-game if/when New Testament gets adapted. If not or if they don't at least change staffs, then I don't even know if I want an NT anime.

Time to see how Accelerator and Railgun 3 will turn out.

Last edited by Wandering Soul; 2019-04-05 at 21:12.
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